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Travel Analytics Group “TAG” is Pleased To Announce The California Traveler


The year 2020 turned our tourism world upside down in a few months! Yet, this is also a unique opportunity to plan for and do things differently and better. Old data are obsolete – the new is needed to go and grow forward!

The Travel Analytics Group “TAG” – a partnership of trusted tourism professionals Carl Ribaudo and Lauren Schlau – are conducting a new study specifically targeting California resident in-state travel, the state’s largest and most significant travel origin segment.

This new research tool will collect data and issue reports twice a year starting July 2021 to include detailed and unique measures of behavior, motivation, satisfaction, and demographic profile data for California travelers overall and destinations specifically.

The product is being offered on a subscription basis. Why purchase The California Traveler?

· The California Traveler will deliver the most comprehensive, current cost-effective/affordable, and useable destination research and strategy insight.

· The California Traveler will provide the information and insights to help DMOs market to the significant Californian traveler.

· The California Traveler twice-yearly cycle will be timely in a fast-changing marketplace.

The California Traveler offers new and unique features and benefits:

· Projections for future visitation intentions within California and to your destination area

· Net Promoter Score (NPS) of travelers’ propensity to recommend your destination, and comparable to California overall and to select competitors.

· Our new & unique California Traveler Destination Anticipation Score© (DAS) measures how California travelers anticipate/excitement about visiting your destination.

TAG brings our years of industry experience, expertise, and passion to this project to support destination success as we emerge from and beyond the current situation!

Please contact us to learn how your destination can be included and as one that knows that success is based on sound current and comprehensive data and insight!

If you are in Northern California, contact Carl Ribaudo:

If you are in Southern California contact Lauren Schlau:



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